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HP Sure Click Technology

HP Sure Click Technology: Safeguarding Against Cyber Threats

Jessica Childres
Reading time: 7 minutes
As many companies, businesses, and individuals switch from physical to digital records, it’s increasingly important to maintain cybersecurity. Whether you work on classified files, vital documents, or detailed projects, keeping them safe from internal and external threats is a good idea.
Utilizing technology such as HP Sure Click can give you the confidence to work on and store your confidential projects. This software utilizes application isolation as a new and improved form of security. It targets the weakest points of entry, isolates any potential threats, and automatically discards them once the file is closed.
As various malware continues to evolve and pose larger threats to the digital world, cyber security must also evolve. Sure Click Technology is an evolution of traditional antivirus software, giving you up-to-date security that stands up to current threats. Whether you run a million-dollar company or are a student working on your thesis, you can benefit from this security technology.

How HP Sure Click works

Once you download HP Sure Click, you can immediately protect your computer and files. This cybersecurity works by isolating potentially dangerous malware and separating it from your files. Once a threat is detected, HP Sure Click contains it within its own folder, sealing it from your important documents and projects.
When you exit the browser or page you’re on, the folder with the potential threat will automatically be deleted, leaving your computer safe from cyber attacks and viruses. The innovative technology allows you to go about your business without having to screen potentially threatening websites or links yourself.
You can pin the Sure Click icon to your taskbar for easy access to turn it on and off. When the icon is gray, this indicates that Sure Click is currently inactive. You can right-click the icon to enable the technology, and it will turn green, alerting you that it’s currently in use. If the icon turns red, this indicates there is an error.
It’s important to remember that if the icon is gray, the documents, webpages, and links that you open will not be protected. The software only works when the icon is green, indicating that it’s enabled.
This technology is different from other software as it isolates each threat without allowing it to gain access to any part of your computer. Unlike other software on the market, HP Sure Click stops dangerous malware in its tracks and automatically deletes files or viruses once you exit your browser or screen. The unique isolation feature prevents any leaks in protection and gives you peace of mind when working on important and classified documents.

Benefits of HP Sure Click

One of the key benefits of using HP Sure Click is not having to change your current workflow. You don’t have to do extra clicking, searching, or avoiding once the software downloads to your computer. Simply enable the software and continue with your business.
Whether you work on classified documents or produce confidential projects for your clients, you won’t have to spend extra time filtering out threats or blindly trusting every email attachment. The Sure Click technology quickly and quietly assesses hundreds of potential threats from every browser and email, containing the threats that could potentially harm your computer or files.
It gives you more time to focus on your work and has a higher chance of accurately filtering true threats. With the rise of phishing attacks and ransomware, protecting your computer and documents is increasingly important. Sure Click does the hard work for you by protecting you and saving you time.
Another benefit is its compatibility with various browsers. You can enable this software through Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Chromium, New Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. Regardless of your preferred browser, this software can work hard to keep you safe. It even comes pre-installed on newer HP laptops and PCs.
This innovative technology understands that most serious threats and ransomware viruses come from email attachments, making this one of the main focus points. When enabled, Sure Click will automatically filter through all email attachments, isolate any dangerous threats, and allow you to open safe attachments. The unsafe attachments will automatically delete once you exit your email, keeping you safe from potential attacks or hacks.
Utilizing the isolation method has proven to be an extremely effective tool in cybersecurity, giving you the best protection possible.

HP devices with Sure Click technology

Most HP Elite devices, such as the stunning and customizable HP EliteBook 860 G10, come with Sure Click installed, eliminating the need to download the software yourself. This specific model utilizes HP Wolf Security and comes with pre-installed applications and software to keep you safe while working on even the most sensitive documents or projects.
Whether you’re looking to upgrade your device or you need a Notebook-style laptop that you can take on the go, this EliteBook 860 G10 is a fantastic option. Another great option is the HP ProBook 440 G10 Notebook PC, which allows you to customize the device to your specific needs while maintaining important security specifications.
This laptop also comes equipped with HP Sure Click and other HP Wolf Security technology, making this another great option for anyone who needs a secure notebook while on the go. Both models include top-of-the-line security measures, making it easy to work on your confidential files even if you’re using borrowed WiFi from somewhere like the local coffee shop or a hotel.
You can complete your work while traveling without worrying about potential threats or leaks in the wireless network that you’re using. It’s a great way to stay focused on your deadlines without worrying about a security breach. These laptops are lightweight and durable, making them great for travel and extremely secure, giving you peace of mind while working on the go.

The importance of cybersecurity in the modern digital age

The unfortunate reality is cyber threats now come in all shapes and sizes. From email attachments to encrypted documents and even false links, it’s easy to accidentally expose your computer and documents to threatening ransomware and viruses. With more companies and individuals switching to solely digital files, staying protected is increasingly important.
Whether you work in a doctor’s office or law firm, keeping client information confidential is a must. Even other professions like schools, architecture, and marketing firms deal with confidential information and must prioritize security. Without cybersecurity software like HP Sure Click, employees could easily open a threatening virus through an email attachment or opening a document that looks legitimate.
Protecting your computer and files with HP Sure Click can significantly decrease the risk of dangerous ransomware and phishing attacks without forcing your employees to screen for threats. This gives you the confidence to keep digital files and protect your clients’ or customers’ information.

User experience

HP Sure Click’s unique technology runs in the background while you work on your projects or files. Once enabled, you can confidently go about your day without wondering if you’re protected. You can open your emails, surf the web, and work on all documents without worrying about potential threats.
With this independence, you can spend more time focusing on your work and rest assured that all potential threats and malware will remain in their own file without touching your essential documents. This creates a seamless and positive user experience and allows each user to stay focused on their work and keep their documents safe.


Cybersecurity must continue to evolve and step up to the current threats and ransomware that afflict users across the globe. Hackers and computer viruses will continue to look for ways to infiltrate private information, making it increasingly important for anyone with a computer to stay protected.
HP Sure Click uses advanced technology to protect users, standing up to the latest cyber threats and hacker tricks. HP strives to continually develop and update this software to combat current cybersecurity trends, giving you the best possible security for your computer and documents.
While you can download this software in just a few clicks, many HP laptops and PCs are now equipped with Sure Click, saving you time and effort. You can confidently use these laptops while working on the road or in your local coffee shop without worrying about a breach in the public networks.
This confidence and assurance gives you more time to meet your deadlines, keeps you focused on your clients, and keeps your confidential information safe. Sure Click helps you protect your customers' personal information from hackers, phishing attacks, and ransomware without needing you to lift a finger.

About the Author

Jessica Childres is a contributing writer for HP Tech Takes. She is a former PE teacher and currently lives in Panama City, Florida with her husband and two dogs. She loves reading, writing, and spending time on the beach.

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